"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What's Past is Prologue

“Barack was only eight years old when Ayers did his bombing,” they childishly parrot. So what? I was a year old when Castro seized control in Cuba and started killing people who disagreed with him. If, when I was thirty-five years old, I travelled to Cuba, had an audience with Castro, went on a Potemkin-Village tour, and then came back to America singing the dictator’s praises, reasonable people could say that I was an admirer of the communist dictator and probably a fellow traveler. If, at Castro’s invitation, I joined a board on which he sat in order to promote education or anything else, for that matter, one could reasonably conclude that I was comfortable sitting on a board with a murderous, communist dictator. And if I am a moral, freedom-loving human being, why would I want to associate with a murderous, communist dictator? Even if the mass-murderer utterly renounced his past, I would not have anything to do with him. The same would be true with regard to a neo-Nazi figure or board, or one dedicated to Nazi principles.

Obama’s political life has consisted of a series of associations with communists, communist sympathizers, and radical black nationalists. Frank Marshall Davis was a communist. Bill Ayers is an admitted communist who is sworn to the destruction of the American system. Extreme leftist Alice Palmer, Obama’s predecessor in the Illinois senate, travelled to the Soviet Union to attend a Communist Party congress and came back with an admiring report about the Soviet system. Jeremiah Wright is a vicious, venomous, hateful, racist extremist who blames “white people” for all the ills of black people. Davis was Obama’s mentor and confidant. Ayers was Obama’s board-mate and hosted Obama’s political “kick-off” in the home he shares with fellow notorious bomber and terrorist Bernardine Dohrn. Palmer was Obama’s political mentor and benefactor, and endorsed his candidacy for her seat. Obama sought out a church, and deliberately joined Wright’s, allowing Wright to marry him and “baptize” his children. Obama spent at least 18 years listening to Wright’s frenzied, hateful tirades. These are the people with whom Obama associated himself; not with capitalists, free-market proponents, or lovers of the American founding documents and individual liberty. As Mark Levin points out, Obama never talks about individual or property rights, free markets or entrepreneurism.

You don’t associate with people like this because you abhor their deeds or principles. In Obama’s “Philadelphia” speech, he refused to disown Jeremiah Wright, and threw his much ballyhooed “white grandmother” under the bus. Later, when he yielded to overwhelming pressure and quit Wright’s hateful church, Obama made a statement filled with outright lies that only a fool would fail to recognize.

This incontrovertible case is laid out for anyone who cares to look at it. Obama himself has admitted it in his books and in his public statements. Now, what kind of fool would vote for this despicable, dishonest, malevolent figure to be president of the United States?


Bill said...

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, what is one to conclude?
As a free man in a free country, Obama has had every opportunity to choose the people with whom he will associate and with whom to ally himself as he has forged a political career. He has universally, without exception, chosen to hitch his wagon to the most extreme fringe of the American left. His mentor in Hawaii was an avowed and active communist. His Chicago associations - Ayers, Pfleger, Wright, ACORN - are all hardened leftwing advocates. Obama, serving with Ayers on the Annenberg Challenge board, collaborated with the terrorist to turn Chicago's schools into something akin to the Young Pioneers - or the Hitler Youth. Obama has helped Ayers complete his "long march through the institutions." The smug and arrogant spoiled-brat trustafarians this country rejected in the 1960s and 70s are about to do just as they promised they would: take over this country institution by institution and remake it in their nihilistic, drug-addled image.

This Ayers coup is a tragedy of the highest order for America, for freedom and for all who celebrate the intrinsic dignity of each human life.

We see today that a reporter for a Florida TV station asked Biden if Obama is a Marxist. Biden sneered, "Are you kidding?" "No," the reporter shot back. Good for her. Of course, the question is perfecftly apt: given his associations, his voting record and his many statements culminating in his admission to Joe the plumber that he wants to take from the "rich" to give to the poor, Obama has certainly demonstrated all the traits one would associate with a Marxist philosophy.

So, the question remains: Is Obama a Marxist? I think the answer is clearly yes.

Unfortunately, the moronic electorate doesn't care; just given 'em their bread and circuses and they're happy - extremely fat and - as will be seen - only ephemerally happy.

Dave said...

Someone once said that five years from now, what a person is will be determined by the books he reads and the people he associates with. Of course, this precept does not apply to divine ones and messianic types. Such persons are impervious to the influences of Marxists, racists, and anti-American hate-mongers.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

Bill, I thought of the "duck walking" analogy as I wrote my post. One of my (conservative) co-workers told me this morning that the only free cheese is the cheese in the trap.