"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama Lies About His Lies

With his ill-gotten campaign money, obtained by the tens of millions from foreigners and through fraud in the United States, all in violation of federal law, Obama is bombarding Pennsylvania with TV ads. This morning I was treated to an ad claiming it was “outrageous” and “false” to contend, as John McCain does, that Obama voted, as a state senator, to let babies born following botched abortions to simply die. He proceeds to change the subject, claiming McCain wants to ban abortion in all cases. Well, this is exactly how Obama voted in the Illinois legislature. It is a matter of record, and Obama himself has stated he voted against the measure because he was concerned it would limit a woman’s right to an abortion. So, it is Obama’s position that, for the sake of a woman’s right to an abortion, a baby born alive should be literally thrown away, left to die of neglect. What is outrageous is for this despicable charlatan to lie, and lie again, about so profound a matter.


Bill said...

Obama's outright lies get a free pass from the media - of course. This entire campaign has been the most dishonest I've ever seen.

Someone made the point that Obama is actually quite far left of McGovern but to his credit, McGovern ran as who he was, take it or leave it. As much as I disagree with his politics, I've always thought McGovern had integrity. Wrong as he could be, foolish, and naive, but he was true to himself.

Obama's campaign is not at all about who he really is; he understands that if the voting public really understood his plans to remake America, he'd lose in a McGovernite-scale landslide.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

A capable candidate on our side would make a difference. Obama's lies are monumental. Remember what Whittaker Chambers said: Lying is fundamental to communism.