"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Monday, October 13, 2008

Containing the monsters

Over the next decade, the US will be required to face down three extremely dangerous and very real threats to our national security: 1) The Islamic nazi movement that seeks to subjugate the world to Allah (over one billion people); 2) The atheist Chinese military machine that seeks to dominate world trade and power (over one billion people); and the soulless Putin-led Russian mafia that seeks to rebuild the Soviet Union and then...who knows. The idea that we can contain these power-hungry behemoths through diplomatic negotiations is ludicrous. They have specific objectives based on ideology and greed and to think that we can simply talk them out of it is like thinking we can talk the fox out of going for the hen house. I would like to know specifically how our candidates for president intend to deal with these ugly threats (clearly the UN is worthless). And I don't mean how we will win in Afghanistan or whether or not Georgia should be admitted to NATO. I mean, what is the strategic plan for containing these monsters and securing the freedom of all Americans?

1 comment:

Brian C. Caffrey said...

There is no plan, unless the plan is called "accommodation." Obama will "talk" to Iran. He won't stand up to Putin any more than the disgraceful "W" did. And China? Well, those are his kind of peeps: Communists. Americans are voting for communism. They can't wait to rush over the cliff. We are going to lose freedoms, and soon. Obama will simply let our adversaries in. The dumbing down of our society has done its work. We are now ripe for the picking, by Obama now, and by those other menaces in due course. We have one foot in the wilderness. Get ready to fight in the resistance.