As the inevitability of an Obama presidency becomes increasingly apparent, we must understand and acknowledge what the elevation to the highest office in the land of this hardcore leftist activist represents. In plain and simple terms, what we are seeing played out right before our eyes is a coup d’etat by William Ayers. And George Soros. And all those who joined in on the Long March Through the Institutions.
40 years ago, the broad mainstream of the American people rejected the revolution these repellant monsters, these spoiled Trustafarians, were peddling. (Ayers was the son of privilege; when he wearied of his life on the lam, in true revolutionary form, he had his daddy, a powerful and influential figure in Chicago’s corrupt public square, help him cut a sweetheart deal.)
Even though their campaign of violence proved counterproductive, the radical new left vowed it would carry on its war by other means. And for these 40 years, we’ve yielded ground — good ground, high ground — to them at every turn. The Ayers brigade — or should I say brigada (viva la revolucion!) has been firing shots; we at first hunkered down, then just chose to run away.
We yielded the academy — the academy that for generations had taught our kids the meaning of citizenship and the global necessity of American exceptionalism — we gave up the academy without a fight.
We yielded the media — our precious and beloved free press, the fourth estate that had served as proxies for the regular citizens of this country, who held the high and mighty accountable for their actions — we yielded the media with hardly a whimper.
We yielded the churches — the one place where, in a troubled and overly politicized world, we could ponder the deeper meaning of existence and our very reason for being here — we yielded the churches so thoroughly that in most mainstream churches, the Sunday sermons heard by a dwindling body of the faithful could have been written by William Ayers himself.
We yielded the entertainment industry — an industry that once saw stars like Jimmy Stewart, Tyrone Powers, Clark Gable, and countless others practically begging to serve their country — we yielded the entertainment field to the Ayers brigada.
We yielded the courts. We allowed scores of honorary — and active — members of the la brigade de Ayers to decide unilaterally on fundamental questions of life and death, on justice and due process, on matters of self-defense, on the very institution of marriage itself. We allowed the courts to throw out thousands of years of hard-won human wisdom in the name of . . . what?
We yielded on the fundamental matter of patriotism. We allowed the Ayers brigada to assert, without reasoned opposition, that they love America, when they demonstrably do not. To the contrary, they hate America and have said so many, many times. The Ayers brigada clearly blames the ills of the world on America; the Ayers brigada sees American “greed” and “imperialism” and “racism” as the source of poverty and suffering the world around. The Ayers brigada believes that the fundamental structure of American society — free market capitalism operating within the framework of a popularly enacted constitution — is fatally flawed and must be radically altered. Yet we yielded to them on the matter of patriotism.
William Ayers and his minions vowed 40 years ago they would seize control of this nation — and they are now one week away from making good on that promise once and for all.
And let us not kid ourselves — this has not been a bloodless coup. Not by any means. Bodies — or should I say body parts — are strewn across the countryside, the necessary collateral damage Ayers, his wife, and their fellow revolutionaries left in their wake. And they are ready and even eager to see the bodies pile up, if such is needed to realize their revolutionary ambitions.
We have allowed the coup. Now what?
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams
Monday, October 27, 2008
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I once read a columnist describe Capitol Hill and the place where "the flotsam of the 60's washed ashore." I am afraid we may be about to see the wreckage fill the entire Washington power base.
Beautiful piece, Bill; and how sad. The country never took these creatures seriously, shrugged them off, didn't concern itself with them, or simply accommodated them. People to this day have that attitude. And now these destroyers are on the doorstep. What does the country think now? That all this is inevitable, anyway? The answer to your question is: counter-revolution. This time, we'll have to be the counter-revolutionaries.
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