"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The New Dollar


Bill said...

I don't think so Dave; even in his aghast posture, this is just another in a long line of dead white males. What have they ever done for the world - except create just about every single thing that makes the planet function - politically, technologically, culturally, socially, spiritually, aesthetically. What am I forgetting?
This election was all about punishing that record of accomplishment. How dare you DWMs - and living ones too - be better, more creative, inventive, industrious, and generous than us!

Dave said...

I remember reading a column in the Jerusalem Post a number of years ago. The author surmised that if Gaza City had been Israeli and its inhabitants had been surrounded by a hundred million oil-rich Jewish brothers, it would be the pearl of the Mediterranean instead of the cesspool is currently is. He went on to say that the real issue with the Palestinians is jealousy--plain, ugly, venomous, childish jealousy. They had the land for 500years and did nothing with it. In less than a century the Jews transformed it into a world-class nation with the highest standard of living (by a long shot) in the Middle East. And now the small, lazy, petulant Palestinians are jealous and want to take from the producers what they are incapable of producing for themselves. This is the same spirit you have described, which may explain why liberals seem to have such a natural affinity for the Palistinians and always favor them over the Israelis.

Bill said...

Yes, the left's hatred of Israel is based in self-loathing, which I believe is tied to jealousy. Israel - and the US - are tangible proof that industry, intelligence, and faith translate into material success. They put a crimp in the left's fantasy life, in which material well-being is dispensed by the government. They are jealous of any success that flies in the face of that fantasy. Speaking of Israel, I'm more concerned for their short term well-being than I am of our own.

Bill said...

Gosh, Dave, reading your profile, tyour favorite movies could very easily have been my own list. In fact, after I published that profile, I specifically thought about both Gettysburg and Braveheart. (And I actually liked Apocalypto a lot. Not to mention Passion of the Christ, which was just a stunning movie to me.)

Dave said...

We have traveled down different yet similar paths and have oddly reached a remarkably similar destination. Sharing thoughts with you and Brian on this blog has become one of the finer joys of my generally joyful life. I appreciate your friendship, which in spite of many miles distance, has now continued for about 46 years. That is remarkable in itself.