"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Celebrate the Fraud

We're told we're to celebrate the "historic" election of Obama as president. Celebrate, hell. As General Anthony McAuliffe told the Germans when they asked him to surrender his unit in the Battle of the Bulge, "Nuts."

Let's examine what we have to celebrate. The election of a communist who lied, cheated and stole his way to the top office in the land, which gives him command of all the armed forces of the United States. He broke campaign finance laws left and right, taking money from dead people, cartoon characters, and foreigners. His goon squad of socialist storm troopers, ACORN, committed massive voter fraud. He lied through his teeth to a stupefied electorate.

Only a complete fool would think this doctrinaire communist is all of a sudden going to "govern from the center." Anyone who's not an idiot knows what's coming: defense cuts, civilian goon squad storm trooper army, global poverty act, elimination of secret-ballot union elections, legalized theft in the form of "redistribution" of wealth, suppression of free speech in the form of the "Fairness Doctrine," socialized medicine, the destruction of our economy through "cap-and-trade" and other environmental idiocy, open borders, the culmination of Obama's lifetime of black-separatist agitation and thought, suppression of religion in the form of prosecuting those who speak out against "gay marriage" or the religion of the "Messiah," banning of guns, and the general shredding of what's left of the U.S. Constitution.

I don't want to celebrate these atrocities, these assaults on myself and my country. And I don't want to "work" for Obama's socialist paradise. I don't want to "sacrifice" only so that I can have communism's kick in the teeth. To hell with Obama and all of that.

Of our leaders in the media, Rush Limbaugh has been stout in his defiance. That hero of conservatism, Mark Levin, has been absolutely defiant; he's not congratulating anybody for anything. Unfortunately, Glenn Beck wants to "congratulate" and "support" Obama. I e-mailed him, told him he's crazy, then turned off his show in disgust.

We all have a choice: put our heads down and fall in line with all the other drones for our bowl of gruel; or resist this malevolent menace with every fiber in our beings. If you think that's going to be easy, think again. But the only alternative is surrender, and the death of your soul. No thank you.


Dave said...

Perhaps we also should have celebrated in 1975 as the choppers air-lifted our diplomatic staff from the roof of our embassy in Saigon (excuse me, Ho Chi Mihn City). Perhaps the Rays should have celebrated when the Phillies won the World Series. Give me a break. This defies reason.

Bill, you are right: for many people this is all just a game. But as far as I'm concerned, for us to celebrate Obama's victory in any way, shape, or form is contrary to the basic nature of man. Who among us ever celebrates the victory of our adversaries?

The Quoibler said...

Honey, this reminds me of all those retching "hold hands and sing kum-ba-yah" team-building exercises we were asked to do at the bank.

The leadership there (as you well know) was a joke, layoffs were always on the horizon and ethics were but a passing fancy... but danged if we shouldn't all pretend that we were one big bunch of happy-go-lucky buddies!

Yee haw!


Bill said...

We absolutely don't celebrate.

For one thing, as Dave notes, there's no logic there. "America" didn't elect a black president; Democrats did. I did my part to see that this "historic" momenet did not come to pass. I stood, to quote William Buckley, athwart history yelling STOP."

But my own sense is that overt expressions of hatred, anger and rage will not carry us very far.

In Ben Hur, Quintus Arrius says to Judah Ben Hur, "Your eyes are full of hate, forty-one. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive. It gives him strength."
And Judah's hatred, his anger, did indeed, serve him well on his personal mission. But he reached a point where he understood that hatred, anger and rage need to be set aside, that the solution for the human condidion lies in another area - one of hope, faith, love and - extrapolating here from the movie - sound and transcendent principle. Truth, truth advanced with conviction and humility, will win the day.

Bill said...

The fraud becomes more apparent with each day; I just read this morning that this post-partisan hope and change agent is bringing on board two hard-elbowed enforcers from the Clinton era to bust kneecaps and break arms. Welcome to the Obama caliphate.