"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Friday, July 24, 2009

Poll numbers below 50 pecent in the new Rasmussen poll
Obamacare tanking
India and China laughing at his lectureas on climate change
Europe yawning
Cap and Trade in trouble
Police "stupidity.

I believe the term, gentlemen, is Schadenfreude


Brian C. Caffrey said...

Bill, as you know, I'm the eternal pessimist, at least as to things of this world. However, this past week gives us some hope. I believe it is you who have been predicting that these radical leftists would overreach. Perhaps that is what we are seeing. I believe that talk radio, cable tv and the Internet are powerful media; people certainly aren't learning the details of the Obamanable health care plan from the "state-run" media. These communists have certainly shown their true colors in the Obamanable Care Plan and cap and tax. Like all communists, though, they depend on lies and deception. Perhaps in the age of information and instant communications, it's harder to pull that off than it was for the Bolsheviks.

Tom said...

Interesting poll on the health care question. From Rasmussen url I see this; Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% of U.S. voters are at least somewhat in favor of the reform effort while 53% are at least somewhat opposed. What the heck is somewhat? Why can't they ask a straigh forward question? Because they won't get the answer conservatives are looking for. i.e. Rasumussen is always biased towards the right. That's why Fox is the only major news outlet to consistently quote Rasmussen.

From Gallup where they just ask how would you advise your congressmen to vote, it is 71% for reform.


Brian C. Caffrey said...

Well, the leftists have the House, the Senate and the White House. Why don't they just go ahead and pass it, then?

Tom said...

Maybe they want to do it right? Maybe they don't want to rush in to something like they did with Iraq? Maybe some of those dems are fiscally respsonsible? Maybe this country is controlled by the banks, oil, and big pharma? Some dems are free thinkers and don't always follow their leader, unlike most republicans? Multitude of reasons....pick one. :)

PS - contrary to popular right wing beliefs, not all democrats are leftists.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

I'll pick another. The correct answer: some of the Dems are balking because their constituents are raising hell with them. Their constituents don't want it, and these people have to run for reelection next year. That's their first and last concern, always.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

Tom, you continue to refuse to respond to my points about the REASONS health insurance is so costly. So, what about it? If you think there's a "free" market in health insurance, you're mistaken. What do you think is going to happen to the price when the GOVERNMENT passes a LAW requiring insurance companies to cover all mental health matters, all chiropractic, and to accept all comers, regardless of their health history? Do you understand the function of insurance? Our "health insurance" concept has been distorted. Insurance functions to SHIFT RISK. I.e., you pay a premium to the company, and in return, IT TAKES ON SOME OF YOUR RISK. That's a mighty fine bargain, if you ask me. The problem is that our "health insurance" has become INDEMNITY--in other words, I incur an expense, you (company) pay it. How do you make a profit with such an insane arrangement? They have to jack up the rates. The point is that "insurance" is supposed to protect you from a significant, bad event: a car crash, a house fire, the sinking of a ship. It is NOT intended to cover your oil changes (think trip to the doctor for a physical or a cold), your tire rotations, your inspections, or even replacing an exhaust system that you know is going to wear out eventually.

So what do you say to all this? Do you think just because something is "expensive," it should be free? Do you have a car? A house? An HDTV? Who bought those for you? Are they more important than your health?

Tom Huston said...


Absolutely, reelection is number one for all politicians over the interests of its citizens. My latest health care comment is on the "This does not make sense" post.

Bill said...

There's a bit of misdirection at work here, which is not uncommon in the notoriously dishonest polling game. Poll results based on a question that asks about "reforming" the health care system are meaningless.
Of course the health care system needs to be reformed! Anyone who's ever had any interaction with the system in its current form knows that.
So if you ask me: Do I think the system needs to be reformed, I answer yes! But if you then ask me, do you think the government should effectively take over the nation's health care system, the answer, of course, would be not only no but hell no.
"Reform" doesn't mean dismantling the system and rebuilding it from the ground up with a bunch of government czars making decisions about your health care. For all its problems, the current system still allows me to pretty much call the shots about my health care. And the current system, in my experience, is pretty darned responsive.
Look, the last thing in the world I'm going to do is defend without reservation the practices of some insurance companies. Again, any of us who have insurance know what a hassle it can be to get a claim honored. Believe me, thnough, when the government is in charge, there won't be anyone to complain to.
For my money (literally), the nation's health care system is far better off in private hands than in public hands; it's the profit motive that keeps them honest and grounded in reality. If private companies cheat too many people too often, they simply don't stay in business. On the other hand, when government takes over the system, there will be no restraints whatsoever on whatever practices they deem appropriate. So be careful what you wish for.

Tom said...

FYI...the Gallup question did reference the legislation currently before Congress. I am glad to see someone else has spats with insurance companies and I still think insurance companies will survive and get their profits regardless.