"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The More Things Change. . .

. . . the more they stay the same. The two Clintons and "Mayor-for-Life" Mike Bloomberg drop the famous ball in Times Square.

I finally started reading a book I've wanted to read for many years, "The Harvest of Sorrow," about some of Stalin's hope and change for the peasants in the early 1930s. As I say, socialism kills. As the author, the great Robert Conquest, points out, power is not a means to an end; it is the end. And so it is with Obama & Co.


Dave said...

When Michael Bloomberg realized that he couldn't make himself feel important by getting elected president, he contrived to see himself as being so important to the City of New York that he must be allowed to stay on for an additional term. Notice, it wasn't the public clammering for an extention on his term-limits as mayor; it was Bloomberg himself who realized how vital he was to the city's well-being. So in the true spirit of Vlad Putin and Robert Mugabe, he manipulates the law so he can stay in power. What amazes me is that he gets away with such a blatant power grab right in front of everyone.

Bill said...

I, too, have been wanting to read that book for a long time; I'll be interested in your thoughts about it, Brian.

One definitely senses insatiable ambitions in Obama. In my view he certainly fantasizes about being the supreme leader of some sort of "united" world.

The question is whether our system of laws will hold him in check. I suspect he will do everything he can to work around Congress and govern - or, as one of his chief aides put it, "rule" - by decree.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

This is the same power-drunk billionaire who tells people what kind of food they can eat and whether or not they can smoke. And those pathetic sheep not only let him get away with it, they essentially install him as mayor-for-life.