The near universal indictment of
President Trump from the Left and from purported "conservative"
Never-Trumpers is that he lacks the character to be president. That's really a
very interesting assertion; so let's consider it for a moment.
It seems that Trump's enemies define
"character" as...
- being polite
when your guts are being daily eviscerated by your enemies
- not speaking aloud any number of undeniable truths of life
- e.g. we are under invasion;
- radical Islam is a global menace;
- a man can't become a woman just because he says so;
- MS 13 gang members are animals;
- being a POW does not grant you lifetime immunity from criticism;
- China cheats on trade;
- Russia cheats on nuclear arms treaties;
- Iran cheats on everything and sponsors terrorists who live to
kill Americans;
- the capital of Israel is Jerusalem;
- corporations don't pay taxes, people do;
- globalization has been , on balance, an assault on America's
lower middle class;
- the mainstream news media is often, yes, the enemy of the
- . . . the list could obviously go on and on
I assert that Trump is hated
precisely because he is a man of political character. He has tried, not always
successfully, but he has certainly tried valiantly, to deliver on every single
campaign promise he made. He didn't say "read my lips, no new taxes,"
did he? And Bush 41 was a man of character, right? The MSM and the hard Left
told us so at his funeral (forget that they savaged him mercilessly during his
presidency and treated his son, Bush 43, as a punching bag for eight
years). 43, that man of sterling character, could never even bring himself to
call Radical Islam an existential enemy, even as he sent thousands of American
warriors to their deaths to fight them. Oh yes, 43 was a man of character —
just ask the NY Times after 43 joined
the resistance.
It wasn't the no-character Trump who
said, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." He didn't
send the IRS after his political enemies; he didn't turn the federal
bureaucracy into a secret police arm of the radical left wing of American
politics; he didn't tell Russian President Medvedev to tell Putin to cut him
some slack until after the election, after which we could then cave on critical arms negotiations. He didn’t set back the
cause of racial relations in this country by 50 years through irresponsible and
demonstrably untrue rhetoric. That was all BHO, a man of real character. Just
Trump's personal failings are well
known and few make apologies for them. Do I sometimes wish he'd Tweet less
often and with a bit more discretion? Yes. But his bluster and bombast count as
nothing compared to the character he has shown in doing the job the people
elected him to do. That, again, is why they hate him and why, indeed, they need
to destroy him.