"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sick and Perverse

Writing in an Opinion piece on Foxsnews.com, Annemarie McAvoy says (concerning the Petit killers): "If these men did do the crimes that they have been accused of doing, then our anger, outrage and disgust are certainly warranted. However, if we execute them then we are applying the same 'method' that they did, we are killing them. We are stooping to their level by acting as they did."

Suggesting that there is parity between vicious cold-blooded murder and painless execution by the state following due process is sick. It is beyond sick. It is perverse. It is evil. If there were ever been two human beings (and I use the term loosely) who deserve death, it is these two. In fact, they deserve a slow agonizing death such as they inflicted on their poor victims. Annemarie needs to wake up; she needs to get a life. I'll bet she has no problem at all with the viscious cold-blooded murder of a baby that hasn't even been born yet. Most of the people who thinking like her don't. How perverse her thinking! How utterly sick!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Trojan Horse

Writing in Der Spiegel Online, Erich Follith excoriates in the serverest terms the anti-Muslim rhetoric taking place in Germany. He then admits: "Of course, these fears are not completely unfounded. Conditions in areas like Berlin's Kreuzberg neighborhood give rise to very real, justified concerns. There are schoolrooms where three-quarters of the students are from immigrant families, students whose German is barely good enough to get by. There are Arab and Albanian family clans that control crime syndicates and receive welfare benefits. There are phenomena like forced marriages and honor killings. In some mosques, imams are encouraging the faithful to engage in Islamist terror. All of this exists, and yet it has nothing to do with ordinary Islam and the day-to-day lives of well over 90 percent of Germany's Muslims. And yet these are precisely the kinds of things that fuel cheap attempts to create stereotypes of Muslims as the enemy." (8/31/10)

The dangerous flaw in Herr Follith's analysis in revealed in his statement, "All of this exists, and yet it has nothing to do with ordinary Islam and the day-to-day lives of well over 90 percent of Germany's Muslims." To insist on making a distinction between "radical Islam" and "ordinary Islam" is the fatal error that will, if not forsaken, inevitably bring the world to it's knees. The truth is, the 90% of "ordinary Islam" is the Trojan Horse for the 10% of "radical Islam," which is more accurately described as "true Islam." And 10% of one billion is a lot of dangerous soldiers of Allah.

People such as Herr Follith better wake up before it's too late. Europe is already well on its way to becoming fully Islamicized.