"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When is that magic moment?

"Ethics, too, are nothing but reverence for life. This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil." ~ Albert Schweitzer

I do not agree completely with Dr. Schweitzer's definition of morality, but taken as it is, it would certainly consign abortion to the side of evil. No honest person can argue that life does not begin at conception. Would anyone suggest that a fertilized egg is not a living "thing"? The argument is over when this "thing" should be protected under the law--when it becomes a life worthy of maintaining, protecting, and enhancing. People can argue if it should be at twelve weeks, six months, or eight months. But whichever position a person takes, he must admit that, according to his position, one moment the unborn is unworthy of protection and the next moment, voila! it is worthy. But who among us has enough insight to assume the prerogative of determining when that exact moment is? The mother? The father? The abortionist? A Supreme Court justice? Put the question to any five-year-old child and see what answer you get. People have to educated out of believing that all unborn children should be protected. The natural human inclination is to protect the innocent and vulnerable. Every position that presumes to set some magic moment when an unborn child suddenly has the right to life is arbitrary, arrogant, and, as Dr. Schweitzer would say, on the side of evil.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Rahm-bama Youth

The Rahm-bama machine is now proposing that every young person in America serve three months at boot camp where they will learn how to respond in civil disasters and what it means to be a good citizen. After all, "citizenship is not an entitlement program" (so says the Rahm). When asked by a reporter if this public service would be compulsory, Mr. Emanuel responded, "Only in the sense that it will be required" (yes, I heard it with my own ears). Can there be any doubt that this is a smokescreen for a program to remove every young citizen from his environment where he can be drilled in the protocals of the New Order?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Poll numbers below 50 pecent in the new Rasmussen poll
Obamacare tanking
India and China laughing at his lectureas on climate change
Europe yawning
Cap and Trade in trouble
Police "stupidity.

I believe the term, gentlemen, is Schadenfreude

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why is Jacko a hero to blacks?

Has there ever been a man who so thoroughly repudiated his own race? Clearly Michael Jackson despised his blackness and did all that his millions could do to eliminate it. He whitened his skin, he altered his facial features, he straightened his hair, he obtained white children through a white woman (though he was not the actual father). Yet he is celebrated as a hero of the black race. Hard to figure why any black person would give him the time of day.

"Gangster Government"

Excellent speech by Rep. Michele Bachman...
