"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Smoke in the sacristy

It took the Catholic Church some 1,500 years to rack up the 95 excesses challenged by Martin Luther in his 95 Theses (Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences). It appears that Barack Obama will easily beat that score in his first three months in the White House. The scope and scale, the recklessness and abandon with which he is systematically dismantling our system of government - which has, after all, proven to be the most effective machine for equitable wealth distribution in the history of the planet- is breathtaking. That we have come to a pass where the likes of Barack Obama, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rahm Emmanuel, and George Soros are determining the shape of this country is astonishing. The crew in charge today is akin to the corrupt and cynical prelates who so outraged Luther, wicked men who preyed on people's ignorance -counted on it! - to expand their own power and influence.

Let me digress - slightly: In the wake of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI was deeply troubled by some of the Council's unitended results. (An aside to this digression: Although unitended, the disastrous effects of the Council were not at all unexpected by some conservatives and traditionalists.) Paul VI is said to have said, in some dismay, "Through some fissure, the smoke of Satan has entered the sacristy." And indeed, the course of the Church over the past two generation suggests that something wicked has sunk its claws into the heart of the Church.

Along those lines, we just had an election in which a bare majority of Americans elected a man who promised hope and change. We had, so to speak, our own Vatican II. For somthing approaching 40 percent of his voters, the idea that they were electing a man who would in three months make significant strides toward transforming this nation into a socialist state would be unthinkable. But they opened a fissure, and the smoke emanating from inside the beltway has a distinctly sulphurous odor.

So back to my initial point: We desperately need a Martin Luther who can figuratively nail a new 95 Theses to the door of the White House and launch a counteroffensive against these detestable cynics. And do so in a way that galvanizes a real following. Otherwise, we end up much like the 21st century Church: a rambling shambling wreck, no longer universal, moving forward on sheer inertia, peopled by communicants who largely make up their own rules as they go along.

Serious issues


AP headline: Senate reviewing how college football picks No. 1.

I'm glad Congress is now focusing in on the really serious issues of our day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Making Ron Paul Sound Reasonable

Ron Paul was on with Glenn Beck this morning, sounding perfectly reasonable, as he described what those three stooges (no offense to the brilliant performers I love so much) Obama the community organizer, Bernanke the historian who's learned nothing, and Geithner the tax cheat are doing to our economy and our currency. They are monetizing the debt and stoking inflation so they can pay back all this profligate debt with less valuable dollars. This is totally irresponsible, obviously, and will lead to all kinds of discontent, as many of us will not be content to live on Obama's rice plantation.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The daunting task...

NewsMax reports: "President Robert Mugabe called for international help for the plan and reiterated a call for sanctions to be lifted. 'I, on behalf of the inclusive government and the people of Zimbabwe, say: 'Friends of Zimbabwe, please come to our aid'," he said at the launch of the government's Short-term Emergency Recovery Program.' The government of Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai faces the daunting task of rebuilding Zimbabwe's shattered economy after years of hyperinflation and decline."

This is precisely parallel to the Frank-Dodd cabal demanding that the taxpayers ante up to pay for the daunting task of rebuilding the shattered mortgage and banking industries. I guess the way it now works is, you take charge, you destroy through you own power-hungry mania and ineptitude, and then you demand that someone else pay to fix your mess as you supervise the rebuilding process. It reminds me of Proverbs 19:3, which says, "A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD" (NIV).

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Stop Being Stupid."

How many of our problems could be solved by applying this simple admonition? I would say the vast majority of them. My career in the law has been a prime example of what results from ignoring this rule. All sorts of puerile idiocy is tolerated in the law and in the justice system. The result, predictably enough, is an idiotic system that is so choked with nonsense that it barely works. Similarly, in the broader society, we are strangling ourselves, committing suicide, with the manner and variety of stupidity that we tolerate and even encourage. It doesn't have to be this way. It is not necessary. It is one of the by-products of liberalism run rampant. So stop being stupid. Don't listen to stupid, don't tolerate stupid, don't indulge stupid. We cannot afford to be stupid anymore.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where the facts lead us

Obama has called an end to the so-called "war on science" waged by the Bush administration. The charge, to anyone intellectually honest enough to examine it, was totally bogus. It was never more than a democrat talking point, one of many that were part of the "Bush is a moron" narrative the democrats were peddling - and the mainstream media were buying and regurgitating - for eight years. There was no war on science during the Bush administration. What there was was a recognition that science unrestrained by ethical considerations can work to man's detriment as well as to his benefit.

Obama used the occasion of lifting the ban on embryonic stem cell research to take cheap shots at his predecessor - and utterly false ones at that. He stated that from now on, in his administration, science will not be driven by political considerations, but will be driven by "wherever the facts lead us." But it is the democrats who politicize science, with their religious embrace of climate change, their dogmatic insistence on the right to harvest human embryos for whatever ends they desire.

So Obama is willing to harvest human embryos - humans in their most vulernable state - because that's where the facts of science lead us. Okay. But the pure, unadulterated "facts" should lead us to conclude that the strong should always be able to take whatever they wish from the weak: their stem cells, their kidneys, their corneas, their very lives. After all, the idea that human life at any stage has intrinsic value is not a scientific notion at all.

The Chinese -remember the mantra "Socialism kills" - already harvest organs from political prisoners, to be peddled on the gray market to the well-heeled and well-connected, a perfect description of today's establishment liberals. The organs probably end up in the guts of Gucci-wearing Obamites from Hollywood burning through their third livers. And the "donors?" They end up in the garbage heap, the same place where we dump our "failed" abortions, little babies, untended, sucking a few desperate gasps of air before they pass away, alone. While their killers and their political enablers celebrate National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers. (Really.)

Do you really think we're that far away from the Chinsese? I don't. That's the conclusion to which the facts lead me.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Traitor Newt Does It Again

Sucking up to the mainstream media, Newt Gingrich said on one of the talking head shows that wanting Obama to fail is "irrational." This was a reference to Rush Limbaugh. This is the same Newt Gingrich who sucked up to Jesse Jackson during his short-lived reign as speaker of the house, and the same Newt Gingrich who came out in favor of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid porkulus bill just as more courageous Republicans were standing against it. This particular blogger has a long, long memory.

The one thing that guarantees Gingrich will never be presidential timber is that he has a terminal case of Potomac Fever. For those of you who don't know, the disorder has no known cure. And in Gingrich's case, it is complicated by McCain-itis.

Your Entrepreneurial Government at Work

I heard this morning that the Pa. Liquor Control Board will pay a consultant $173,000 to teach the union-represented state store employees to be polite to customers, to say "hello" and "come again." I would be willing to save the state $73,000. For only $100,000, I'd simply tell the state store employees, "Be nice to the customers or you'll be written up."

My question is what if, after the consultant has been paid and done his work, the state store employees are still sullen and surly? What are you going to do, fire them? Of course not; they're state employees. They have a union, and they don't have to be nice to anybody. What are the customers going to do, go to Maryland?

Well, in any event, we have here a great example of what a marvelous job government does at managing business. I can't wait for all the Soviet-style, centrally planned enterprises that will be visited on us by The Great Lord Barry Obama.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Who cares what the Constitution says?

Senator Mel Martinez (RINO from FL) has suggested that voters have made Barack Obama eligible to occupy the Oval Office, whether or not he meets the constitutional mandate of being a "natural born" citizen. I don't know whether Mr. Obama was born in Kenya or Hawaii, but if the thinking of Senator Martinez is correct, then why even have a constitution at all? Why, we could elect Tony Blair or Vlad Putin if we wanted to.

This is a prime example of the kind of vacuous thinking that pervades our society. The truth is, the voters went to the polls believing that Mr. Obama met consitutional muster. If he did not, then his election is fraudulent. If he knew he did not, then he has committed a serious crime and must be removed from office by the Senate and put on trial for fraud. But to suggest that the will of the voters electing a man under fall pretenses trumps the clear requirements of the United States Constitution is irrational and dangerous. The rule of law is our protection against arbitrary rule. This was our Founders' genius. Again, I don't know the truth about Mr. Obama's birth, but if guys like this continue to run our government, we are clearly heading for the arbitrary rule of an autocratic elite. Maybe we're already there.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Great Point by the Great One: Mark Levin

Tyranny is not a new idea; it's a lot older than liberty. He was adverting to Obama, but the fact remains. Fairly recently, some brilliant men got together with a great plan and an elegant means to allow its functioning. And just because a smooth-talking charlatan won an election does not give the parasitic leftist masses the right, like locusts, to strip us of our freedoms without regard to the constitution which forms the basis of our government. No mere election can nullify the Constitution. Anyone who claims that it can or that it does is full of it. He merely wants his big strong man to hold the rest of us up so that he can get, through force, what he could never obtain on his own merit. This type of political thuggery inevitably leads to the use of force, and resistance to the use of force; and we all know what that adds up to.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sayonara, Steele

Steele must go. He is a disgrace. Either he's a traitor to the cause, or he's a complete idiot. Goes on a show with a leftist black host, and sells out Rush Limbaugh and conservatives, as well as the pathetic GOP. What a mistake. This fool must go. Forget the ditch; this guy's putting the party at the bottom of the ocean. Question is, do we fight to save the party, or abandon it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thank You, Rush

Kudos to Rush Limbaugh for having the courage, something our elected Republican representatives seem to lack, to call Obama out on all his outrageous lies, deception and demagoguery. The same goes for Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and others. Each day brings a new outrage, and for the most part, Republican office-holders sit silently, like a bunch of lambs waiting for the slaughter. Many of them are AWOL, and disgracefully so. They should be having press conferences and town hall meetings every day of the week. They're not doing anything in Washington; they might as well be in their districts, getting in front of every camera they can, making principled arguments against the despicable socialist destruction of our society. Thank God in Heaven that someone with a microphone will speak out against this iniquity.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The I-word

Is it too soon for Republicans to start talking about the I-word with regard to Barack Obama?

Given his reckless disregard for dealing appropriately with the honest-to-goodness crisis in this nation's economy, I certainly feel the Republicans can make a case that impeachment proceedings are already in order. In his few short months in the public arena, Barack Obama has repeatedly lied to the American people about his intentions in a host of areas; most recently he has mischaracterized his dismantlement of the American system as a "stimulus" package.

It's becoming increasingly apparent with each passing day that Obama willfully refuses to take obvious and simple steps to reverse the slide in the markets; to the contrary, he has talked the markets down, talked them down at a cost of untold trillions of dollars in lost wealth. That wealth represents the blood, sweat, and tears of scores of millions of Americans. Indeed, some 70 percent of adults in the country are invested in the markets in one way or another. So set aside for a moment the wildly misguided talk about tax increases; this president has already cost virtually every American years of the invested fruit of their labors. Every retiree, every investor, every union pension fund holder - yes, I said union - has been betrayed by Obama and his thus far unindicted co-conspirators in the Democratic party.

Given the scope of the crime we're seeing committed right before our eyes, is it too soon to talk about impeachment? Politically, probably. But the day is coming - and sooner than we had any reason to expect a few weeks ago - when a majority of Americans begin to see what's being done to their country - and more to the point, to them.