"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ascension of the moderates?

I heard Rush saying the other day that in the next Senate, it will be the so-called moderates who have the power, being neatly situated between the left-wing flaming liberals on the one side and the right-wing Tea Party extremists on the other. Does this mean that John McCain will morph back into a "moderate"? I'm sure we can count on that. Too bad the good people of Arizona didn't dump him when they had the chance. Does this also mean that the real power brokers in the next Senate will be the cooperators and compromisers like Lindsey Graham, Joe Lieberman, and the Maine girls? Probably. It may be better than having socialists like Reid and Shumer calling the shots, but it certainly isn't much better.

Also, I predict again that by the end of January Hillary will have resigned so she can run for president. The next two years could be very unpleasant for the current occupant of the White House as Bill and Hillary roam the countryside criticizing his every move. I suspect they will make the criticisms from the right look like pablum.


Tom said...

Now that we have had the election I will make one prediciton. Someone will try to assassinate Harry Reid within the next 3 months.

Dave said...

I will made two predictions: 1) Hillary will resign from Secretary of State and start her run for the presidency; 2) John McCain will morph back into a moderate.

Dave said...

Tom I hope you're wrong about Harry. That would not be good for America. Besides, what's the point; Harry as been pretty much emasculated at this point. But my question is for you is, do you think the assassin will be a right-winger or a left-winger? Don't forget, it was Hindu nationalists who assassinated Gandhi because they thought he had sold out to the Muslims.

Tom said...

It will be a right winger. When Angle said 2nd amendment remedies and the neet to take out Harry, some nut probably started cleaning his rifle. I hope I am wrong and I hope Fox news and rw bloggers will accept that Angle lost and not go on some voter fraud witchhunt which will just fuel someones inner rage even more. Nevada was too late for me to stay up for last night and I have not bothered reading any synopsis of that election yet, so I do not know what is being said, but I am sure Mr. Beck will have a say about it on his show tonight. I do hear tales that Beck is already hammering Nevadans and Californians on his radio show.

Tom said...

I think Hillary will stay put, but that's just a guess.
As for McCain......he will do whatever is best for John McCain. If he wants to run again in 6 years, then he will stay somewhat more conservative. If he decides he will retire, then perhaps more moderate. I think the one thing you can pretty much count on is his continuous opposition to Obama, not matter what the subject is. Much like the pay as you go thing. He was for it until Obama was for it, then he was against it. Let the generals decide DADT, they decide, he doesn't like it because it's what Obama wants and it's good politics to be against Obama, so let's be against DADT. Even his daughter called him out on that.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

Tom, your assumption that some "right-wing nut" will assassinate a U.S. senator because he fraudulently stole an election is pathetic. Do you go to tea parties desperately looking for racist signs, too? Have a cigarette, and relax. Remember the right-wing nut who assassinated Robert Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan?

Unfortunately for you and other leftist fans, Mr. McCain, like the sainted Klansman Robert Byrd, will eventually die. You're doing a lot of planning for the old man's future.