"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Democrat, Trashing Affirmative Action?

I don't often read Democrat propaganda in the op-ed pages of the newspapers. However, a piece in today's Wall Street Journal by Virginia Senator James Webb stopped me in my tracks. I thought it was a giant misprint or a mistake. Webb writes that "diversity policies have marginalized many white workers." He talks about the Old South, saying that the vast majority of whites didn't own slaves. He concludes, "Beyond our continuing obligation to assist those African-Americans still in need, government-directed diversity programs should end. . . . Our government should be in the business of enabling opportunity for all, not in picking winners." What?! In the age of Obama? All the current regime does is pick winners and losers. Opportunity? That's just a code-word for oppression and an obstacle to equality of outcomes. Webb's piece obviously runs counter to the entire communist agenda that has this country in its grip. According to the current regime, America is a bad nation, which has a lot to be ashamed of and to apologize for. It was founded by white slave-owners. Everybody who is not white is to be preferred, in all respects. White people have been privileged for too long, and it's now payback time. This is the whole Obama philosophy and world view.

So how in the name of Joe Biden can a Democrat U.S. Senator, in a state that went for Obama in the 2008 election, and who is not up for re-election until 2012, so directly challenge one of the central tenets of Obama and his fellow communist revolutionaries? I'm at a loss. Is some mighty challenger emerging already to take on Webb? Does anybody have any ideas?

Check out the Webb piece.


Dave said...

Webb was appointed Secretary of the Navy by Reagan and was a registered Republican until the war in Iraq. He is one of those guys who was seriously injurred in Vietnam (an authentic war hero)and perhaps because of that has a very difficult time being objective about war, any war.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

I recognize him as a turncoat who has sold out to the leftists. I just don't understand what possessed him to write in such a way in the WSJ, of all places. Other outlets have picked up on this. He has to have an angle. What's he up to? I'm way too cynical to believe that he's just been overcome by a sense of justice.

Tom said...

he wants to confuse you even more than you already are, Brian. Not hard to do with you I imagine. Cya on 8/28.

Tom said...

just to confuse you a little more Brian, I see there are some Dems who want to extend the Bush tax cuts another year or 2. Oh my, what is happening in this great country of ours?