"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Friday, February 26, 2010

Emotional Blackmail

Here is the Democrat's strategy for winning people to their side on healthcare (as practiced yesterday by Tom Harkin, the denture lady, et al): "I know someone who is suffering and I'm suffering, therefore you must accede to my opinion--and you’re heartless if you don’t." Notice there is no appeal to intellect, no appeal to reason, no appeal to common sense. This is pure emotional blackmail. A political ploy. It is an effort to overcome reasonable argumentation with raw emotion. It is cheap. It is phony. And in the end it will not work.


Brian C. Caffrey said...

Everybody will get sick. Everybody will die. Everybody will suffer. These are not the questions. The question is who pays for health care and how. This is the classic technique of the socialist-progressive. Cite a sad story and use it as justification for turning the world upside-down.

Tom said...

let 'em eat applesauce I say

Bill said...

Socialism as a moral transaction is bankrupt.

Why does taking something from me against my will and giving it to someone else make people like Tom Harkin (et al) feel morally superior?

Here's the moral balance sheet as I see it:

1) I become embittered and cynical;

2) Harkin is (further)corrupted and made delusional (i.e., you can't be generous - your own self-image notwithstanding - with something that does't belong to you).

3) The recipient is robbed of his freedom of action; is made a ward of the state, encouraged to cultivate an underserved sense of entitlement.

Brian C. Caffrey said...

and 4) the recipient votes for Harkin.