Here is a most interesting report from British news service Reuters, no evil conservative news outlet. Where did I
hear about the Reuters report? ABC-NBC-CBS? No. CNN-CNBC-MSNBC-Public TV-NPR? No, not them, either. Why, it was on the Rush Limbaugh Program.
Oh, yeah: we definitely need some of this superior British-style free socialist health care over here. Can't say I've ever been treated to anything like this. They certainly seemed quite concerned about keeping their
costs down. You don't suppose there was any
rationing going on, do you? Well, at least we'd never have to worry about that happening
here. For some reason, these Brits didn't seem to have much of an
incentive to take care of the poor patients in this lovely hospital. Of course, they do have a centralized system, so shouldn't all the hospitals be the
same? But that would make them
all like this. No, that's ridiculous; this is Great Britain, a socialist utopia. No, perhaps some capitalist
insurance companies sneaked in. No, no; the article specifically states it was an NHS--that's
National Health Service--hospital. Hmm. . . I wonder what that missing incentive could be. . . . You don't suppose it's
profit, do you? Aaaaachhhh! I feel dirty even suggesting it. But wait a minute; where else did they try (only for about 70 years, though) central planning without the incentive of profit? Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue. . . Swaziland, Soweto. . .
Soviet Union! But they were
communists. We don't have any of those
here. Well, I mean, except Van Jones. Oh, and that lady in the Obama administration who admires Mao as one of her favorite political philosophers (well, he
was responsible for tens of millions of dead comrades, but
nobody's perfect). And that union ally of Obama's who agrees with Mao that power comes from the barrel of a gun. Well, that's just poetry or something, right? Ach! It's all coincidence! And lies, lies! Oh, excuse me; there I go sounding like Stalin or. . . like Obama.
[We, the editors of Common Sense Alert, sincerely apologize for the foregoing display of thought and reasoning.]
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