"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Thursday, January 28, 2010

They Don't Know How to do Anything Else

Oh, great: Now it's $8 billion in "stimulus" money for "high-speed rail," for which there is no market. Have these socialists ever heard of Amtrak? Hmmm. . . query for you: Does AMTRAK compete with private rail systems? Oh, and don't forget force-funneling money to private banks so they can lend it to small business. Why do we need an incompetent, wasteful government as a middle-man? These guys only know one way to operate: Tax money away from the productive sectors of society, launder it through their union-organized bureaucracy, then pay it out to favored, wasteful sectors, which inevitably become money pits. Of course, they'd rather die than cut taxes on the same small businesses they profess to want to help. Let's hope people don't buy this nonsense any more than they buy health care "reform."


Tom said...

Why does AMTRAK lose money and do all their routes lose money?

Unknown said...

Answers: 1) Because it is run by the government, and no government enterprise (hmmm, think health care) has to make money in order to continue in existence; 2) I don't know, but in all the news items I've ever heard and read, I've never heard of AMTRAK being profitable. Every so often, the government infuses more billions into it. It's been like that all along.

Tom said...

Partially right, Brian. From what I have read anytime AMTRAK wants to shut down the routes that lose to much money, Congressmen (from the affected states I would imagine) say no. The one line that does make money is the high speed northeast corridor. The only high speed line they have. One can only hope that some kind of market research has been done on where these new routes are supposed to go.