"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Government Can


Brian C. Caffrey said...

What a brilliant video. This guy is very talented.

Bill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

What can I add? Brian says it all: brilliant. Simply brilliant. I love the guy's energy.

Tom said...

I bet the founding fathers would be surprised that the document they wrote over 200 years ago is still being used with less than 20 amendments added to it.

Dave said...

I think the only thing they might be surprised at is that the government they created has chosen to ignore their document rather than ammend it as they intended.

Tom said...

when I was in school, even college years, I was taught the constitution is a living breathing document and was intentionally written like that.That must have been from some liberal lefty teacher. But in case it wasn't, when did the constitution become such a strictly interpreted document to be used to fits one's own personal beliefs. I was also taught that the amendment process was put in to allow the document to grow with the times so to speak.

Dave said...

You're right, whoever told you the Constitution was written to be a living, breathing document was indeed a liberal lefty. But that contention is common currency in the leftist playbook. The Founders included the opportunity for ammendment just for the very reason that they considered the Constitution they wrote and adopted to mean exactly what it says. If you want it to mean something else, then you have to go through the ammendment process. But the leftists know that they couldn't get most of their stuff through that process (remember the ERA). So instead of bothering with the messy business of ammendments, they just change the meaning by judicial fiat. That is what I promise you makes Madison et al role over in their graves.

Tom said...

So the courts are also a part of this vast left wing agenda?

Bill said...

Tom, you may want to go in and clean up the punctuation error in that last comment. Surely you didn't mean to put a question mark at the end of your declaratory sentence?

All of the comments and back and forth in these blog posts over the past couple of days remind me of that scene in The Ten Commandments. Moses strides into Ramses's court and, summoning the power of the Almighty, turns his staff into a writhing cobra.

Ramses's court magicians share a little wink and a nod, and using some age-old trickery, turn a couple of royal staves into snakes as well.

The pharoah and the magicians share a smug and knowing smile: you see, Moses, you have your tricks and we have ours. And they reveal themselves to be in profound denial about the truth that has just hit them in the face.

The left and its apologists can summon up their snake tricks too - kids singing Bush's praises, a misstatement or two on a Fox news program - and miss a greater truth: an agenda-driven hard-left Alinsky-inspired street agitator with a palpable ambivalence about American exceptionalism is at the helm and is steering us on a course that can only end very very badly.

And the apologists, instead of sounding alarums at every corner, waste precious time and energy tracking down gotcha videos of a bunch of kids singing a thank you song to George Bush. (As though there were actually a Bush cult out there; as though a highly respected editor of one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious news weeklies had called Bush "some kind of a god.")

Oh, one other thing. . . that scene in The Ten Commandments? It ends rather badly for the royal magicians' snakes. Moses' cobra swallows them up whole. Whether it chews them up and spits them out isn't depicted in the movie.

Tom said...

Such a shame that your heads appear to just be buried into the sands of conservative misspeaks and lies about Obama and Democrats. Other than Farrakhan, who is a non factor concernign anything calling Obama the messiah, the only other people that call him that are conservative pundits and bloggers. I have never heard a liberal call him the messiah, but boy Rush sure does. Worrying about some guys tenets who has been dead for 30 years just seems like such a waste of time to me. You should listen to 2009 talk, not talk from 30 or 40 years ago. As I have said in previous posts, big pharma, oil, banks, and now I will add insurance companies run this country, dems and republicans, liberals and conservatives. That above all else is what needs changed.

Dave said...

Tom, my brother, this is the classic liberal line, that big business runs the country, when the truth is, the government runs big business, often with their willing cooperation. For example, I just got a notice from my mortgage company stating that they are required to loan me up to 105% of the appraised value of my home if I decide to refinance. They also mentioned that the standards have been lowered for qualifying. All this because the government has told them they have to make these stupid loans. Of course, why should my mortgage company object? If I don't pay the loan, they know that the federal government will. Now who's controlling who?