"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My brother on NPR

Yesterday, NPR launched its full-throated campaign to get Obama's nationalized health care plan adopted. A huge percentage of it's two-hour show All Things Considered focused on the issue. My older brother Herb was featured as an example of a 61 year old man who had a heart attacked and no health insurance. Herb's heart attack was about a month ago. He was interviewed a few days later while still in the hospital. The interview was aired yesterday, by chance the very same day Obama was out introducing and defending his plan in a highly visible speech to a bunch of doctors. The collusion between the tax-payer supported NPR press and the Obama administration is obvious. I have long opposed giving tax money to NPR. Newt tried to cut it off once but capitulated to the pressure groups. It is now long over due to stop the public funding of this political arm of Globalist Liberalism.

1 comment:

Brian C. Caffrey said...

How I wish we could drive a stake through the heart of NPR.